Saturday, October 8, 2016

Surface Area and Dimensions of a Tipi

Figure A
 My daughter received a tipi as a gift from her grandfather for her 16th birthday.  This tipi is used for our native american cultural ceremonies.  Time and time again, I observed my relatives set it up for these purposes and I never knew the surface area or the dimensions of this tipi.  The only information I knew was that the diameter is 26 feet and 19 feet in height.  I had no idea how they set it up but I never saw anyone with a calculator or figuring out a math solution for this tipi.

Well... I decided to investigate the set up of this tipi when I learned about dimensions and surface area of a cone.  The surface area of a tipi is shaped like a cone other than the front part that they call ears where smoke escapes from the fire that is built inside.  As you can see in Figure A, I figured about the dimensions by using the Pythagorean theorem.  Then I used the surface area formula to get the results of the surface area.  The end result of what it actually looks like after it is set up (Figure B).


Surface Area of a Tipi, Home. Personal photograph by Miranda Tachine-Benally. 2016.

Native American Tipi, Pinon, Arizona.  Personal photograph by Miranda Tachine-Benally. 2016

Tachine-Benally, Miranda.  Personal Measurement Investigation. 08 Oct. 2016. Home. Mesa.

Figure B

1 comment:

  1. Miranda,
    That is so cool! You investigated the set up your daughter 16th birthday tipi finding surface area of a cone. I didn’t know the front part called ears, all I know smoke come out from the tipi. I like how you show your work using Pythagorean Theorem to find the surface area formula. Also, I like how you color code the measurements, it was so easy to follow. I need to get some easier color pens for sure. Great job!
